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Meet our boy "S"! |
This is has led to MANY deep, wonderful, emotional conversations in our home and with family and friends. While we've received a ton of encouragement, even our biggest supporters have questions. Even WE had and have questions! So, let's do this.
Q: Wait... you're doing WHAT?!
A: Okay, this is more of a typical response to our news than an actual question, but it's pretty common, so I thought I would lead with it. Yes. Yes, we are. We are taking a TEENAGE BOY that doesn't have a family or a home into our home and hearts.
Q: But, WHY?!
A: I'm going to give you two answers for this one; I encourage you to read both.
- Answer #1: Because we can. The orphan crisis is real, and we have the space, the means, and the love to give this child a summer away from his desolate orphanage. So, why not?
- Answer #2: The moment I saw this boy's photo and read the 2-3 sentences about him, I felt connected to this child. It was like God Himself was calling me to act. It was like all of the years that Justin and I have discussed how our family was going to change an orphan's life culminated to that moment, and I knew this was what we had been waiting for. If you want to talk about "God, show me what you want from me," this was a time He provided a clear answer. (It was another Divine DETour on our journey!!)
Q: So, that was it? You just signed right up?
A: Uhh, no. LOL! I'm sure Justin thought I'd grown two heads when I brought it up, but I had no reservations about talking to him about it! I knew that we were being called to do this for this boy and I was ready to open his mind to it! We spent 24 hours talking about it, talking to Jordan and Joey about it, talking to very knowledgeable friends that have first hand experience - who just so happen to be our pastor and his wife! (Double down on the "from experience" advice and spiritual/biblical guidance! Point for Krystle!) After addressing our concerns with each other, the kids and others, we decided that we can't predict the future, but we can impact it... and we were going to step out on faith and let God lead us. (I also took Justin to lunch at his favorite Pho place to butter him up!)
Q: What's his name? How old is he? Where is he from? Why is he an orphan?
A: His name is "S", because we can't publicly disclose his name, he's not our child, so we do not get to make that decision for or with him. He is 15 and he lives in eastern Europe; again, privacy. We do not know his background or what led to his current situation, we only know that he is very much in need of a family... this summer, we are that family.
Q: Are you going to adopt him?
A: Currently, we are hosting him. This is a 5-6 week program and S will return to his native country and orphanage after our time together is up. The organization we are hosting through is not an adoption agency and we are not permitted to discuss adoption with S while he is here; nor is anyone else. That said, we are open to pursuing adoption after our summer together if we feel like it is in everyone's best interest and he wants us to! The very real fact is, he is about to age-out of the system. In his country, children are no longer eligible for adoption at the age of 16. It's also important to know that his country does not allow you to choose a child until your entire process is nearly complete and you are in country, about to take your child home. So, we could go through the entire process and not be allowed to adopt him. There are just no guarantees, but we have some time.
Q: Where is going to sleep?
A: This one is easy, to start. We are going to move Skyler's crib into mine and Justin's room for the time S is here. This will give each of the big kids their own room to retreat to if they need a break. We considered bunk beds in Joey's room, and we still may go that route eventually, but Skyler doesn't mind giving up his room.
Q: Will your kids be safe? Aren't you concerned about having a teenage boy in the house with Jordan?
A: Valid questions; ones that we have discussed and know that others have expressed out of their love for our children. (Thank you.) As with welcoming any new person into our life or home, the safety of our children is our top priority. Children in the hosting program are evaluated and interviewed by the hosting organization. Children have to be found to be "good candidates" in order to participate in the program. We have been in contact with individuals that know S personally, and their confidence in his character, along with our presence and supervision, allow us to move forward without reservations.
Q: Does he speak English? How will you communicate?
A: The information we have received indicates that S knows some English. The extent of that knowledge is something we won't know until he arrives. I have been trying to get acquainted with speaking/listening/reading Russian, however it's HARD! We will also be getting a lot of use out of Google Translator, I'm sure!
Q: How are you going to be able to let him go? I could never do that!
A: The 100% honest answer is... We don't know. This was Justin's biggest hang-up with hosting... not hosting a boy or a teenager... not the cost or having a 4th kid around... but sending him back to an orphanage when we have the means to take care of him here, to so easily give him what every child deserves. Jordan nearly cries every time we talk about him having to go back; that may change by the end of summer! LOL! But seriously, it's going to be rough. And yes, he does have to leave. Part of the hosting paperwork includes signing a letter of intent to return our host child. In the end it comes down to taking a leap of faith... faith that his time with our family is worth any of the pending heartache we may suffer. We cannot stand idly by, in hopes of protecting our hearts, while this child is in need of a family. We cannot sit comfortably in our faith when God calls us to step-out, trust in Him, and push past those comfort zones to know true faith and love.
SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY: We are not able to share his pictures beyond those from his hosting listing on social media. This, again, is because he is not legally our child and his country is protecting his privacy. We are permitted, however, to privately share his summer with our family and friends in person, via text or video chat, and in a "secret" social media group. So, I have created a Facebook group where you can stay up to date with our adventures with S this summer! Please send me a private message on Facebook to be added to the group - all members must be family or family friends; no friends-of-friends permitted to protect S's privacy. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about orphan hosting, please check out Project 143.