Friday, June 1, 2018

Goodbye. Hello!

On May 31st, 2018 I said good-bye to my employment, my coworkers, my income, and what I used to consider my independence. 

I cleaned out my drawers, took down my pictures, and turned off the light an hour before quitting time. It's quite strange to see this empty space, when just a couple years ago it was this empty as I was moving into it, into our new office building. And now, it's empty so that I can move on. 

Some people look at an office as a sign of success. I've had my own office for years, and believe me... sometimes it's just a sign of separation. Separation from your coworkers, from your family, from everything that's not on the screen in front of you or out the window next to you... and that gets kinda lonely. 

I've been very fortunate to have worked in an industry where I flourished professionally. I've had amazing bosses, not-so-amazing bosses, professional growth, and my work has been very rewarding at times. However, the older our kids get - and the more we have (LOL) - the harder it is to work outside of our home. 

We recently hung this sign in our hallway and it tugs at my heart each day.
You can get it in different sizes at Smallwoods.

So, while my professional career is ending for now, I'm looking forward to doing some pretty important work at home. It's not going to be easy, and it's surely not always going to be fun, but it's going to be pretty amazing stuff. 

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