Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Today was my first official day as a stay at home mom! (Friday and yesterday don't count, because Justin was home both days and because I had a migraine yesterday- so today it is!)

I mommed pretty hard today, so I'm pretty proud of myself. It's definitely weird being home with just this guy for an extended period of time.

But, because he's an awesome baby, I was able to get a ton of stuff done. Feeling pretty in control of my house right now! I mean, like things aren't just getting done, they're getting done my way! And that my friends is even awesomer than them just getting done or not getting done at all!

Let's see - cleaning, laundry... I even washed my Pilot!

Just kidding - I went through the car wash on my way home from Target... diapers only! ;) 

The Target trip added to my to-read list. This happens nearly every time, so we'll see how much reading I can squeeze in to SAHM life... none today. 


And I only washed the truck so that I could put my PNW stickers on it as part of my #ohiobound prep!

(I hate spending money at the car wash... but I also hate washing cars myself, so... thank God it rains a lot in Washington!) Unfortunately, in Ohio... there are a lot of bugs. One time, I was driving with my MIL and we drove through what can only be described as a bug love fest... the windshield was completely splattered with "busy" bugs! 100% gross. 

Okay, I promise things will get more interesting, but right now I'm just playing catch-up around the house. Soon... packing! 

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